About the St. Xavier's College Alumni

St Xavier's College is more than 54 years old. Almost 38,000 students have gone through this great institution by now. The greatness of any institution depends on the personalities the institution has created through the effort it puts in molding them. St Xavier's College has succeeded in that venture in the sense that it has sent out ever so many luminaries in various fields who are well placed in and outside the country. That being the case, those who have benefited out of the institution have a reciprocal obligation to promote the general welfare of the institution as well.

Association of alumni of any institution is the reflection of its past, representation of its present and a link to its future. Creating a supporting alumni network is crucial to the success of every institution. A strong alumni network by itself can be the best source available for building relationships, both business and personal.

The support from the alumni bring with it credibility and justification to the success of the institution. Alumni this way acts as a role model to the new-comers, having breathed the same air and encountering similar challenges faced by them.

Such an association has been functioning right from 1989 at St Xavier's College. Now it is a registered body and it works with utmost sincerity out of limited resources. It has a lean membership of only 250 considering the significantly large number of those who have benefited out of the institution. The association depends on the generosity of its members in making donations.


Major Objectives of our Association

1. To promote, encourage, help and build relations among the members.

2. To develop and maintain relationship with the College and collaborate with its various activities.

3. To uphold and maintain the honor and dignity of the College.

4. To follow the guidelines of the Federation of Jesuit Alumni/ae association of the South Zone level, at the National level and at the International level.

5. To hold periodic meetings and conferences among its members.

6. To organize and engage in Social, Cultural and Educational activities among its members and their families with a view to fostering Social, Cultural, Religious and Inter-Personal relationships.

7. To publish and circulate a newsletter or bulletin, which shall be the official organ of the Association, through which it shall make known to the members, the various activities of the Association.



Alumni Association Bye-law
Click on the following to download our Bye-law: