The aim of Jesuit education is the formation of principled, value-oriented persons for others after the example of Jesus Christ.

- The Characteristics of Jesuit Education n.93


Although the work of the Jesuits today embraces a wide variety of apostolates, ministries, and civil occupations, they are probably most well known for their educational work. Since the inception of the order, Jesuits have been teachers. Today, there are Jesuit-run universities, colleges, high schools and middle or elementary schools in dozens of countries. Many are named after St. Francis Xavier and other prominent Jesuits. Jesuits also serve on the faculties of both Catholic and secular schools. The Catholic religious order with the highest number of universities around the world today is the Society of Jesus with 114 universities. Around the world, there are more than 200 Jesuit secondary schools -- including 93 in India alone -- and some 100 institutions of higher education, along with numerous centers of social and cultural analysis. Jesuit education is still growing. Jesuit education continues to adapt old ideals to new times and new needs. 



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Leading Jesuit Colleges in India

(click to go the respective websites)



Some Jesuit Universities from around the world

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