The objectives of the IQAC are:

To ensure continuous improvement in the entire operations of the University and to ensure stakeholders connected with higher Education, namely parents, teachers, staff, would be employers, funding agencies and society in general, of its own quality and probity.


The functions of the IQAC are:

  • Design and implementation of annual plan for Institution – level activities for quality enhancement
  • Arrange for feedback responses from students for quality – related institutional processes
  • Development and Application of quality bench marks / parameters for the various Academic and Administrative activities of the Institution
  • Retrieval of Information on various quality parameters of Higher Education and best practices followed by other Institutions
  • Organization of workshops and seminars on quality – related themes and promotion of quality circles and institutions – wide dissemination of the proceeding of such activities
  • Development and application of innovative practices in various programmes / activities leading to quality enhancement
  • Participation in the creation of learner – centric environment conducive for quality education
  • Work for the development of Internationalization and Institutionalization of quality enhancement policies and practices
  • Act as a nodal unit of the Institution for augmenting quality – related activities
  • Prepare focused annual quality assurance report (AQARs).


Minutes of IQAC meetings


 IQAC Annual Report