Xavier Outreach Service (XOS)

History of XOS

St. Xavier’s College, started as a junior college in 1964, now with eight degree courses and two post graduate degree courses, has registered a modest but steady growth over the years. We feel immensely proud to state that around 70% of our students are from economically and socially backward communities. By choosing such a preferential option, we make quality education accessible and affordable to the needy ones in our locality. Xavier outreach service is one of the mouthpieces of St Xavier’s college, Thumba through which we celebrate this unique characteristic in a creative and constructive manner. Though functioning as an extension center  of St. Xavier’s right from the inception of the college it was formally registered only in 2015 as a Society under the Travancore- Cochin Literary, Scientific and charitable Societies Registration Act of 1955.


Adopted Village

St. Xavier's College has adopted Fathimapuram village in Kadinamkulam Gramapanchayath of Thirunananthapuram district to focus its outreach activities through XOS. The college has had three decades of close association with this village in the neighborhood and has been a part of its success story ever since. Various committees, clubs and departments especially NSS, conducts a number of programmes every year to engage with and contribute to the villagers. The key areas of activity are 1) Education 2) Health care and hygiene 3)Economic empowerment 4)Protection of children and vulnerable adults and 5)Environmental co-existance. Socio-economic surveys, study classes, summer vacation computer courses, health and hygiene classes, medical camps, cleaning activities, house visit etc are conducted by NSS and other committees in the Fathimapuram village.


Other Activities

St. Xavier’s college is strategically located among economically and educationally backward communities and our outreach services are primarily meant to reach out to the very people for whose uplift we stand for. Initiating a creative fusion of academia and the local community Xavier outreach services functions as a resource center for social work, training, field intervention and documentation for the educational, social and cultural empowerment of the fisher folk and the other marginalized groups. By organizing extension activities like Soft skill training, Leadership Development programmes, study motivation, remedial education, carrier guidance and job training etc. for the less advantaged youth and children of our locality along with awareness campaigns and empowerment programmes for the adults of our target group Xavier outreach services aims at bringing about an integral socio-cultural and educational transformation.

Exposure to Social Realities

The College endeavours to shape its students as agents of Social change as we are in the business of nation building. The XOS provides them with an opportunity to have a real life experience of working for the people and critically becoming aware of the social situations of our country. This is never a one way vertical interaction but rather a horizontal involvement where we stand face to face with the harsh realities and challenges that as people of a country we need to overcome to march ahead.  More importantly this involvement is for mutual learning and cultural enrichment of all the stakeholders.  We work to build a just society where all people can live to their full potential - by partnering with community to support those most in need and working to change policies, practices, ideas and values that perpetuate inequality, prejudice and exclusion.

Governing Body Members

  • Dr. Fr. Dominic Joseph S. J.
  • Smt. Reshmi Poulose
  • Mrs. Melissa Hillary