1. The duration of UG programme is 6 semesters with each semester consisting of 90 working days.
  2. A course is a subject to be taught and evaluated equivalent to a paper under the traditional (old) scheme.
  3. All the students who join for the First Degree Programme have to register for Language Course in English, an Additional Language and a Foundation Course.
  4. Core Course is a compulsory course in a major subject related to the First Degree Programme in a discipline.


  1. Each student shall register for the courses in the prescribed registration form in consultation with the Faculty Advisor.
  2. A student can opt out of a course registered within 30 days from the commencement of the semester.


Institutional Policy Documents

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Professional code of statutory board/ Regulating Authority



The institution has a code of conduct for students, teachers, governing body, Principal, officials and support staff. Click here to download the institutional code of conduct.

  1. All students of St. Xavier’s College are expected to conduct themselves in a manner worthy of a Jesuit institution of learning and an educated Indian citizen in the campus and outside.
  2. Students, wherever they are, should stand in attention as the prayer song is played before the classes begin.
  3. When the teacher enters the class, gently rise and greet the teacher appropriately and remain standing till he/she sits or signals to be seated.
  4. No student will enter or leave the classroom when the session is on without the permission of the teacher concerned.
  5. Students shall not enter classrooms other than their own.
  6. Practise and promote respect and cordiality among the students and the staff.
  7. Students are expected to show respect to the teachers and administrative staff of the college both inside and outside the campus.
  8. Students are expected to be properly dressed. Casual dressing/specially designed / extra colour/special dressing will not be permitted.
  9. Students shall always wear identity cards issued by the college with tag and show them as and when demanded by the Principal, teachers and office staff/security staff.
  10. Students should not disfigure the walls, doors, windows and furniture.
  11. Students are expected to spend their free hours in the Library/Reading room.
  12. Insubordination to teachers, habitual neglect of class work, vulgarity in word and deed, fraud or malpractice are sufficient reasons for serious disciplinary action.
  13. No student shall use or keep in possession alcoholic drinks or drugs. Using/keeping of these items will lead to immediate expulsion of the student from the college.
  14. Students should not go outside the college during class hours. In the event of unavoidable necessity they should seek special permission of the Principal / Head of the Departments.
  15. Sea bath is strictly forbidden.
  16. Students are strictly forbidden to bring mobile phones to college. If cell phones are found to be in the possession of students, it will be confiscated and will not be returned.
  17. Any damage by students to college property, furniture, and building will be made good at their expenses and those responsible for such damage shall be dealt severely. Collective fines will be imposed for any damage if the cause cannot be traced to any individual.
  18. DJ, fashion show, cinematic dance, ganamela, by outside troops, etc shall not be allowed inside the College campus. Violating these rules will meet with disciplinary action.
  19. Ragging is totally banned in the college and if found guilty of the same, it is liable to be punished appropriately as per UGC Regulation on Curbing the Menace of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions, 2009.
  20. Political activities and the functioning of student organisations are strictly banned in the Campus. Unofficial meetings, strikes, demonstrations, agitations, and fund collection are strictly prohibited. Students who violate the above rules are liable to be dismissed from the college.
  21. Election to the College Union, if required, will be conducted under Parliamentary Mode, as per Lyngdoh Committee recommendations, under the verdict of the Hon.ble High Court of Kerala in WPC © No.19411 of 2012.
  22. Banners, flags, posters, etc. shall not be allowed inside the campus or at the gates or compound walls for purpose of any activity without the permission of the Principal.
  23. Students who are charged in criminal offence and are under suspension shall not be allowed to enter the campus without permission.
  24. Students are not allowed to bring vehicles into the campus. They have to park their vehicles at the allotted place at their own risk. Stunting and racing of vehicles within and in a radius of 200 metres outside the campus are strictly banned.
  25. Students and staff members can make use of the grievance redressal mechanism available in the college.