Historical Survey

The Physical Education Department of St. Xavier’s began its long and illustrious journey as early as in 1965 in Sreekaryam, where St. Xavier’s had its modest beginning the previous year. When the college was shifted to its present site in Thumba a few months later new opportunities were dawned on the Department to actualize its potentials. Since then the Department has never turned back and hardly ever lost sight of our cut out task in the arena of Sports and contributed tremendously and still continuous to do in developing sports men and women of the highest caliber. They, in turn, won laurels and made us all proud. From such humble beginning we have grown and now command both admiration and envy alike from other colleges in the neighborhood in terms of our achievements and available sports infrastructural facilities.

Infrastructural Facilities

In terms of infrastructural facilities we lag behind no one as we are fortunate to have three Basketball courts, two Volleyball courts, one Handball court one Football Court and the newly built state of the art Cricket Ground of the standard of even holding first class matches.  These are besides the Sports supporting facilities like a well-equipped Multi Gym and a spacious sports pavilion.

Milestones and Turning Points

What we are today is because of the farsightedness and commitment of the Jesuit management, PTA and dedicated teachers of the department over the years, who promoted sports in the college in the early days of the college and took the initiative to construct these facilities. Such an overwhelming support and keen interest in sports by the stake holders helped the department to become the University Champions continuously for 7 years (1984-91) and University runners and champions until this year.


Mr. Alex M

Retired Faculty

Achievements & Recognitions

Year Wise Department Report


Year Wise Performance Report of Various Departments
Department Presentation

Click here to see/ download  department presentation 2019


Open Course

Click here for syllabus of Open course

 Click Here to see the Consolidated mark list of Open course 2018-19


Tournaments Organized/Conducted

Click here to see the consolidated report of Tournaments organized/conducted by the department in last 5 years.


Department of Physical Education in St. Xavier’s College has contributed many a talented men and women to the arena of Sports.  Most of them are well placed today and contributing in different fields of life.