St. Xavier's College has implemented an effective Tutorial System the aim of which is to promote better understanding between the teachers and the students and to facilitate the moral, spiritual and intellectual well being of the students. The students are divided into several groups and a teacher is put in charge of each group. Within this system every student is free to approach the tutor for proper guidance and counseling. 


Scholar Support Programmes

There are a number of support programmes offered by the College to its scholars. These programmes are designed to support financially backward and academically bright students. 

Student Welfare Fund: A fund is raised by teaching staff of the College to provide financial support to poor students. This fund can be utilized to buy academic books, meet contingency and to pay hostel fees.

Noon Meal Scheme: Free noon meal coupons are issued on daily basis by the recommendation of different department heads. One teaching staff is specially allotted for the issue of coupons confidentially.

Book Bank Facility: Academic books are collected from senior students when they pass out from college and are kept as a bank for juniors to make a reference.

Scholarships and incentives: Deserving students are awarded with scholarships and other incentives every year. Detailed list of different scholarships are available in the main menu of Student Support.