National Cadet Corps

The College provides facilities for N.C.C training to students with a view to instill in them a greater sense of patriotism, discipline, self-confidence and self-reliance. The College has an army and navy wing of NCC.

Click here to view photos of the NCC from the gallery

National Service Scheme

The College has two units of the N.S.S. This Scheme is introduced with a view to developing national consciousness and a sense of service among the students. The prime motive of the N.S.S. is to create a generation, which is unselfish, kind and dutiful. The members of the N.S.S. will have occasions to render valuable service to the people around the College.

Nature Club

Everything in this Universe is interconnected, which makes it much more important for us to respect and guard our immediate environment. And we do....just that! Our college is home to a diverse community of flora and fauna including plants which are found in the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Red List as critically endangered too. Our club is more than litter removal. It is an initiation into a change of lifestyle. Through the club, one can be part of various activities and awareness drives that not only discuss the threats that our planet is currently facing but also find solutions and act on them!

Click to download Activity Report

Students' Union

St. Xavier’s has a vibrant Students’ Union, which is very proactive and dynamic when it comes to representing student interests. The Union also organizes various activities for special occasions like Teachers’ Day, Workers’ Day, Intra- and Inter-Collegiate cultural fests, Film Festival, Youth festival, Sports Day etc. Every Union fashions its own creative set of action plan for the academic year with the guidance of the faculty advisor. The Union members are elected by the Undergraduate and Postgraduate students by secret ballot through free and fair election process. The election is held at the beginning of each academic year as per the directives of the University.

  • To uphold and implement the ideals of the College in a befitting manner
  • To foster cordial relations between the students and the teaching staff.
  • To promote participation in extracurricular activities.
  • To ensure the general welfare and well-being of the student body.

AICUF (All India Catholic University Federation)

The Catholic Young Men Guild (CYMG), started by a group of college students with the guidance of Fr. P. Carty SJ at St.Joseph’s College, Trichy was an organization in the tradition of ‘Catholic Action’. The guild had the following principal aims: a) the spirit of Christian Brotherhood b) informed catholic mind c) application of catholic principles to social problems Study clubs were main units for functioning. The Rally, the student magazine accompanied the guild from its inception. It was then merged with the MCYL (Malabar Catholic Youth League) that was founded by Fr. Honore SJ in 1915. CYMG was renamed as CYMF (Catholic Young Men Federation). In 1937 CYMF grew far and wide in the Southern part of India and got re-christened itself as SICUF. SICUF became AICUF in 1949 as a national level student movement and got recognised by CBCI (Catholic Bishops' Conference of India). AICUF publishes an alternative student monthly 'THE RALLY' in English. The Rally is a mouth piece of AICUF dealing with the current educational, social, cultural and political scenario of the country on various themes.


The AICUF membership is open to university students who share the ideals of the movement as enshrined in the constitution. However, every member state has the autonomy to decide on its own policy regarding membership. Every member is entitled to participate in all the decision making activities of the unit. However, a member can be selected as an office-bearer only on completion of one year in the AICUF, except in the case of newly formed units.


AICUF structure is geared to ensure it mass students movement character. The AICUF functions at the national, state, regional and unit levels. The state is the primary decision making body in AICUF. The various states are linked at the national level as members of a federation.

AICUF Kerala

AICUF Kerala has its headquarters in Thiruvananthapuram with as many as 40 units in different colleges actively involved in moulding students in the right direction through a spiritual and social orientation. At present Fr. Babu Paul S.J. is the director of the Kerala AICUF. Mr. Rajesh, HOD of Economics Department functions as the Animator of St. Xavier’s AICUF Unit.

Activities of St. Xavier's AICUF Unit
  • Orientation programme for the fresher’s
  • Three day Leadership Camp for the members
  • Poster Exhibition on Social Themes
  • Visit to Karuna Home for the Orphans
  • An Eco awareness trip to Kallar
  • Celebration of AICUF Day
  • Farewell to Senior AICUFers
  • One day seminar of Impact of Mass media on Youth and Children

 Click here to view photos of AICUF's activities from the gallery