Dr. (Fr.) Biju Joy S. J.
Assistant Professor - Department of Chemistry
Contact Details
Address: Jesuit Residence
St. Xavier's College P O
Thumba, Thiruvananthapuram
Mobile: 9562601395, 8304986783
Email: bijujoysj@gmail.com
Academic Qualifications
- B.Sc Chemistry - St. Xavier's College, Thumba- 2002
- M.Sc Chemistry - St. Joseph's College, Trichy - 2005
- B.Ed Chemical Science - St. Xavier's College of Education, Thirunelveli- 2006
- Ph.D. Chemistry - Bharathidasan University, Trichy- 2017
Total Teaching Experience
- Environmental Science – St. Vincent’s College of Commerce, Pune – 2011 (2 Years)
- Department of Latin – St. Xavier’s College, Thumba – 2013 (2 Years)
- Department of Chemistry – St. Xavier's College, Thumba – 2017 onwards (4 Years)
Positions held at St. Xavier's College
- Director, Xavier Outreach Services (2017-2021)
- Member, IQAC (2018-2020)
- Member, Examination Committee (2020-2021)
- Executive Member, Staff Club (2019-2020)
- Director, St. Xavier’s College Alumni (2017-2021)
Journals / Articles Published
- Portugaliae Electrochimica Acta. (PEA) 37(2), 2019, 105-114.
- ScienceDirect. (Elsevier) Materials Today: Proceedings 4 (2017), 12426–12436.
- International Journal of Research in Pharmacy and Chemistry. (IJRPC), 8(2), 2018, 329-334.
- International Journal of Research in Pharmacy and Chemistry. (IJRPC), 8(2), 2018, 340-356.
- International Journal of Botany Studies. (IJBS) Vol 3, Issue 1, January 2018, 17-20.
- International Journal of Botany Studies. (IJBS) Vol 3, Issue 1, January 2018, 17-20
- Open Access International Journal of Science and Engineering. (OAIJSE) Volume 2, issue 12, 2017
- International Journal of Medicobiological Research. (IJMBR) 1(8), 2016, 437-439.
- Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Sciences. (JCCS) Volume 8(4), April 2018, 655-659.
Conference / Seminar / Workshop / Training Programmes attended (last 5 years) - Academic & General
- International Conference on Chemistry of Biomolecules - Current Trends and Future Perspectives. Holy Cross College, Tiruchirappalli, TN. July, 2016. (Paper Presentation).
- International Conference on Materials for Sustainable Future. SASTRA University, Thanjavur. July, 2016. (Paper Presentation)
- International Conference on Frontiers in Advanced Materials and their Applications. Bishop Heber College, Tiruchirappalli, TN. January, 2018. (Paper Presentation)
- National Conference on Recent Advances in Chemistry Research and Its Applications. St. Joseph’s College, Tiruchirappalli, TN. January, 2017. (Paper Presentation).