Department of Chemistry, St. Xavier's College Thumba produced hand sanizers and distributed them for free in the college and in Fathimapuram; the adopted village. Because of Covid-19 epidemic that struck the world in March 2020, there was an increased use of hand sanitizers and thus created scarcity of the same. As a social responsibility activity, Department of Chemistry produced, bottled and distributed hand sanitizers in bulk and helped the staff of the college and the villagers to overcome the catastrophe. The bottles were handed over to Fr. Lawrence Lucas (Vicar, Fathima Matha Church) by principal of the college Dr. (Fr.) V. Y. Dasappan S.J. in the presence of villagers and staff of the college. Selected representatives from villagers were given training about the making of hand sanitizers in the household.

In the leadership of Smt. Edna Richard, Dr. (Fr.) Biju Joy, Dr. Divya Thomas, Dr. Drishya R and Sri. Renjith R a video on  the making of hand sanitizers was shot and was uploaded to youtube. The video is available in the following link

Click here to watch the video